Dear e-business seeker,My name is Peter Lipinski and I know you will have visited many sales sites on the Internet that go on for pages and pages telling you they've found a killer system that will make you millions. If you're like me you have probably fallen victim to at least one of these scams. Until now...After 7 months research I found Online Gold - Acme People Search - 100% Pure Cash Generator - excellent support & training with 8 income streams included in this amazing system.
"Get your very own people search engine and make huge profits with Acme People Search multiple income streams. Just set up and advertise it. One of the Best Affiliate Marketing Programs on the Internet!"
Now, please check GDI Leaderboard - Tissa Godavitarne.
How Tissa did it? Success Story!
Sign Up Here to Get Access to Tissa Godavitarnes "GDI Secret Sign-Up Sauce"!
Sign Up Here to Get Access to Tissa Godavitarnes "GDI Secret Sign-Up Sauce"!
Proof of earnings with Acme People Search Referral Program below (click here to enlarge)

More? See another proof that Tissa Godavitarne’s Affiliates Make Money!
Data shows that 30% of all searches on Google or Yahoo are for specific people or people-related. So you can see there is a huge demand for People Search.
We can find people by phone number and by address through these specialized find people search engines. They even have complete background checks. These search engines have huge databases and are currently used by some large reputable companies.
The niche can be targeted to give you a very lucrative business. You can own your very own acme people search engine and when people search for information you get paid. The acme people search engine itself has many affiliate links embedded in it. The prospects are also sent follow up messages to increase your profits. This niche has one of the best affiliate marketing programs with Acme People Search.
We can find people by phone number and by address through these specialized find people search engines. They even have complete background checks. These search engines have huge databases and are currently used by some large reputable companies.
The niche can be targeted to give you a very lucrative business. You can own your very own acme people search engine and when people search for information you get paid. The acme people search engine itself has many affiliate links embedded in it. The prospects are also sent follow up messages to increase your profits. This niche has one of the best affiliate marketing programs with Acme People Search.
The founder of the Acme People Search Affiliate System, Tissa Godavitarne has created a simple 3 step program that could have you APS engine up and running in a few short minutes:
This is basically just entering your affiliate IDs into your Acme People Search engine, so that you get paid your commissions each month (ad/edit ID's section). Affiliate programs commited to APS:
- ClickBank
- HDPublishing
- MyLife
- Global Domains International (Step 2 - Monetize)
- Google Adsense (optional, after complete step 3)
- own Acme Peopel Search Refferal Program
In this step we are going to create a domain name and find a host for our Acme People Search engine, Global Domains International provides a very powerful Internet package that allows a complete novice the ability to have a website up and online in record time. All cost of running your acme is $10/month - startup 7 days free trial - plus additional opportunity to earn - unusual program "INCOME FOR LIFE" from GDI with unlimited 5-level deep earning system (currently the best MLM on the market!) More details about GDI here
My only advice to you is this, when choosing a domain name try to pick something that is easy to remember and if possible try to find a domain name that has, "search, find" or some variation of these words included in it.
My only advice to you is this, when choosing a domain name try to pick something that is easy to remember and if possible try to find a domain name that has, "search, find" or some variation of these words included in it.
Monetize APS engine - foto tutorial.
Proof of payments from Global Domains International (click picture to enlarge)
Must be complete to earn $125 start bonus, unlock Adsense option and to make sure your affiliate links get 100% exposure on your acme people search engine. In step 3 you've got chance to FREE advertising your search engine with Tissa's pay-per-click ad campaign in yahoo, google and msn.
You have to subscribe step 3 with paypal (FREE 30 day trial) or trialpay (dozen offers to choose). Now you will get a $125 bonus put into your member account usually within 24 hours. Earn $75 more with the referral part of the program and cash out ($200-min. payout). OPTIONAL - After 30 days, you'll agree that $29.95/month is a small price to pay for "Tissa's Trio" below:
- 100% Display Rate for Your Search Engine's Affiliate IDs
- Full Access to GDI "Secret" Sign-up Sauce Ingredients
- Your "Super Affiliate Switch" Offered as a FREE BONUS!
If you cancel monthly payment your reflinks display rate will drop to 65% but you receive $125 start bonus.
To achieve your search engine's and affiliate system full potential, you should advertise also...
THIS IS KEY - Creative Marketing!
OFFLINE for example:
- business cards
- posters
- leaflets
- forum marketing
- article marketing
- video marketing
- blog marketing
- social-media marketing
- classifields marketing
- web-banner marketing
- e-mail marketing
- ezine marketing
- pay-per-click marketing (PPC)
- search engine optimization (SEO)
- even mobile marketing
Also, check out #6 of your FAQ link in your search engine back office.
Tissa can only help you but if you are willing to learn how to do Internet and Affiliate Marketing and help yourself then you can create a great extra income from Acme People Search program and GDI.
Tissa started one day and has continued to strive to perfect his knowledge and continued to help all involved. Now is your chance to do the same except you do not have to start from scratch like Tissa did. He gives you the tools you need and now you just have to gain the knowledge of how to do the rest so you can truly make money online:)
Just the money for your web hosting! That's all I've spent so far and I'm doing really well. You don't have to pay anything to continue in the program!!!
The first part is people search engine - when somebody use it to search people (below) and get results, you got paid by Clickbank, HD Publishing, MyLife...and optional Google Adsense...
url to advertise > PEOPLE-SEARCH-4FREE.WS
The second part is APS referral program - Commission structure:
- $5 for each referral that completes Step 1 and remains for 30 days.
- $10 for each referral that completes Step 2 and remains for 45 days. Or GDI sign up in your downline.
- $15 for each referral that completes Step 3 and remains for 65 days.
- $125 start bonus commission, basically it's free money if you choose to continue with the system and build a business. Your first pay out is a min. of $200 so you will have to earn another $75 before getting paid. After your first payout the commissions are paid as earned on the 14th and 28th of each month.
That's $30 per referral, or $20 plus a GDI sign up!
- as super affiliate you can earn huge commissions of up to $125 from web hosts like LunarPages and Hostgator.

If you'd like to form a true partnership that allows both of us to make a LOT of money together, SIGN UP NOW. No special skills or experience are required to bring your own niche search engine alive on the Internet! Tissa has already done the hard work - and made all the mistakes - for you :-)
NO eBooks to download and NO videos to watch! The only people making money on those crappy info products are the ones selling them to you!
This is an opportunity you can't pass up. I have seen and done almost everything out there but I am sticking to this one - ACME People Search!
Make sure you complete all 3 steps above to unleash the full earning potential of acme people search affiliate system.
Now, is there any doubt that this is one of the best affiliate marketing programs on the internet? PLUS, you get $125 just for signing up! ACME People Search Rocks!!!
Tissa's contact info and office address:
Tissa Godavitarne
Affiliatize. Because Affiliate Programs Rock!
2325 Dulles Corner Blvd., 5th Floor
Herndon, VA 20170
Driving directions to Tissa's office
703-788-6758 Office
Affiliatize. Because Affiliate Programs Rock!
2325 Dulles Corner Blvd., 5th Floor
Herndon, VA 20170
Driving directions to Tissa's office
703-788-6758 Office
703-997-8498 FAX
Any questions? Email me at cosaostra@o2.pl